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A little rain started falling yesterday afternoon on Chez Herd which required a little explaining from the Hu-Dad, who is held responsible for all weather.
In a post a few days ago, we explained how the sunshine was threatening our snow even though our temperatures were staying below freezing. But our temperatures soared – well, to just above freezing – which allowed yesterday’s precipitation to fall as rain.
Rain is more of an enemy of snow than even the sunshine, so someone had to be held responsible. We all agreed that should be Hu-Dad.
In case you think that only some dogs were complaining about the weather, we should mention that even the biggest rain fan among The Herd expected some answers from the Hu-Dad.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Who could refuse the look of those two faces, an explanation surly followed!
Khumbu & co
Perhaps all of the herd needs to wish for a snow making machine for their areas! It works for the neighbors! 😛
We feel your pain. We live in Michigan where there should be snow from November to at least March. Last year we only had it for Thanksgiving and it all went away by January. This year we have only had it for a week and it is supposed to be warmer and rain. Growing up in the midwest we never had rain in December. Yuck.
Poor Hu-Dad. Maybe giving treats would help the pups view of him.
Rain rain go away….