Youthful Exuberance In The Storm

Yesterday continues the rainy, foggy, windy, cool weather from Irma, but youthful exuberance had one member of The Herd saying, “Enough!”

I'm tired of waiting for the rain to stop!

I’m tired of waiting for the rain to stop!

Irma has been mostly an inconvenience for us, frankly no stronger than a typical storm crossing the mountain ridges. We have had a couple of days of rainy, drizzly weather coupled with wind and fog. Overall, a dreary couple of days with everyone huddled inside waiting on better weather.

Well, everyone was waiting until a certain someone just couldn’t wait longer and insisted on some zoomies around the yard and picnic table time.

Come on. Who is with me?

Come on. Who is with me?

Unfortunately for Landon, no one else followed. In fact, a certain “Little Big” Brother seemed unimpressed, even though it wasn’t too long ago he would have done the same thing.

Youth today.

Youth today.

P.S. – So glad to hear from so many of our readers in the path of Irma that they are well. And glad to hear from so many that are recovering from Harvey. Let us know your experiences in the comments below.


  1. Dennis the Vizsla on September 17, 2017 at 12:47 am

    hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay ahhh yes yootful eksooberanse!!! i had it wunse!!! but i stil woodnt hav gawn owt in the rain eeven then!!! ha ha ok bye

  2. KJ Pierson on September 13, 2017 at 8:41 am

    It is surprising Typhoon isn’t out there with him. Has he done all his playing inside already?

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