Happy Feet – A Celebration

After two days of rain and wind, the clouds parted and the sun appeared. Some pup’s happy feet highlights the celebration at Chez Herd.

Let's get this party started.

Let’s get this party started.

We had a good couple of inches of rain spread over the last two days, a good soaking as we enter our fall. We needed the rain, but we still celebrated the end of it. The yard was ours for games again. The zoomies grew faster and faster. The bounces got higher and higher. And Boom Boom launched.

Happy feet launched.

Happy feet launched.

Typhoon may be faster, but no one can reach the altitudes that Boom Boom reaches. And, yes, you can clearly see why we call him Boom Boom.

What do you mean, I am part kangaroo?

What do you mean I am part kangaroo?



  1. Tammy on September 2, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    Your husky that is running looks so much like mine they could pass as twins. They are both beautiful dogs

  2. Juno's mom on September 2, 2017 at 12:08 pm


  3. Lori on September 2, 2017 at 10:32 am

    Wowwwww!!! Boom Boom you’re flying!!!

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