Cheesewhiz Coiffure – Film Friday

When you are a Siberian Husky, your coiffure is your style, your essence, your furriness – and Cheesewhiz takes her hair style quite seriously.

As the summer is drawing to a close, we are all preparing our winter coats for what we hope will be a long, cold, snowy winter – absolutely perfect for us (though you humans might grumble). Hu-Dad stays busy this time of your helping each of us defluff our undercoats. While he claims that he does this just for us, it also tends to reduce the number of Siberian Tumbleweeds roll through the house.

Of all of us, Cheesewhiz loves her spa time the most. As you will see in this week’s Film Friday, she can relax thoroughly while the Hu-Dad helps primp and prep her fur! Hope you enjoy.

We have mentioned this before, but you can follow this link to see the dog dryer we use (Amazon Affiliate Link).


  1. Krista Ross on August 18, 2017 at 8:01 pm

    Rumor has it we are in for a Sibe kinda winter.

  2. Linda Price on August 18, 2017 at 11:27 am

    Since Cheoah is your most cooperative, how long did it take you to do her Spa Treatment?

  3. The Ao4 on August 18, 2017 at 11:11 am

    WOW! You are a very good girl, Cheezewhiz!!! And way to make it SNOW!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  4. Jane on August 18, 2017 at 10:56 am

    A couple of years ago I was brushing Bruce my German Shedder (I’m mean Shepherd) outside in the shade. It was nice and a little windy. I usually pick the fur up and throw it away. Some ewe away from me and I thought I’ll get it when I’m done. I looked and saw that the birds were taking it. Now I just leave it and watch the birds fight over it. It’s too funny to watch them. Considering there’s enough to go around. I have to brush him several times a year. I have to say I think German Shepherds leave more fur around than Huskies. My Aries left a lot of fur, but Bruce does way more. I also have a long hair miniature Dachshund. She doesn’t shed some much thank God. Hugs and kisses to the herd.

  5. Juno's mom on August 18, 2017 at 9:34 am

    It was relaxing just watching her enjoy it! What a sweety pie.

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