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Yesterday’s chance of showers turned into a day long drizzly rain. And how adept was everyone at handling boredom on a rainy day?
On one extreme was, of course, Landon. Boom Boom is a firm believer in perpetual motion, but Big Brother Frankie grew tired of his antics and told him to settle down. The one thing Landon believes in more than running around? Not getting into trouble with his big brother.
On the other end of the spectrum is the long-time cool approach of Qannik. And what was Q-Tip’s reaction to a day of rain?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: Ebby HATES the rain — AND the wind. Her answer to days like that is to curl up on her mat under our covered deck, out of the rain, or, if the wind is blowing from the west, the deck gets soaked right up to her mat, so she comes inside and lies down behind the love seat that acts as a divider between living room and dining room. Twisted like a pretzel, over on her back, but hind legs braced against the back of the love seat.
It’s been sunny here, but hot, so the collies are napping too.
Perfect caption for Landon’s expression!
My thoughts exactly Q Tip!!!!
Q must have been saving up his energy to play in the wet mud later!