Ear Nibbling Distractions For A Driver

Qannik discovered yesterday that ear nibbling distractions are not an approved behavior when Hu-Dad is driving the Jeep.

More rules?

More rules?

A couple of issues cropped up on Qannik’s bloodwork from his vet exam on Monday, so we decided to do a couple of additional tests yesterday. Nothing crazy wrong, but just some readings that were more on the edge of normal range, so we are doing a more extensive thyroid test as well as an adrenal gland test. The adrenal gland test, known as the ACTH, requires two blood draws within two hours of each other, so Hu-Dad decided that he and Qannik would go for a Blue Ridge Parkway drive in between tests (since going home and back would eat up much of that two hours).

Qannik had the entire Jeep to himself since no other dogs traveled. The bad news was it was raining, so Hu-Dad put the windows in the Jeep. Qannik decided to claim the spot right behind Hu-Dad since he couldn’t hang his head out the back window.

Things were going great until Qannik got a little bored. He decided something needed chewing and Hu-Dad’s ear lobe was right there. So nibble, nibble, nibble. For some odd reason, Hu-Dad thought that was quite distracting and implemented the new rule – no ear nibbling the driver.

Glad to be back home where no new rules exist!

Glad to be back home where no new rules exist!

P.S. – To see how rainy it was, Hu-Dad has posted a couple of photographs from the Blue Ridge Parkway over on his other blog – the blog not about us.


  1. Laura Yager on May 26, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    Awwww…..cutie Q! I hope your tests go well. Our Siniy was just diagnosed with Hypothyroid. Didn’t think you fluffy bottoms were prone to such a thing. Don’t worry, 2 pills a day and you’ll be fine. Might want to lay off the ear lobes. They could be fattening! Try Hu Dad’s toes!
    Laura-servant to Siniy, Bolt and Radar

  2. Glenn on May 25, 2017 at 4:17 pm

    My Karyna did that to me whenever I least expected it. Hope all is well with “Q”

  3. Andrea on May 25, 2017 at 3:12 pm

    *haha* I could just picture this… and it made me smile!! Hope all turns out well with Qannik’s bloodwork. Always something to worry about! *hugs* Blessings~ Andrea xoxo

  4. Pat and Rebel on May 25, 2017 at 1:40 pm

    Hope the test results are good and that all is well.
    Rebel has to have his T3 and Free T4 repeated.

  5. Juno's mom on May 25, 2017 at 1:26 pm

    Look forward to hearing the results of the test(s.)

  6. All Things Collie on May 25, 2017 at 12:32 pm

    Fingers crossed for good test results!

  7. Shari on May 25, 2017 at 11:06 am

    I hope everything is OK with the sweetie.

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