Steady Rain And A Soggy Cotton Ball

For the second day this week, we received well over an inch of steady, soaking rain. Probably not hard to figure out how we have a soggy cotton ball.

What a great day to sit in the yard!

What a great day to sit in the yard!

Qannik has alway enjoyed steady rains and can be found hanging out in the yard. Like most dogs, he enjoys soaking up the sun’s rays on a clear day, but he equally enjoys soaking up the falling rain, too. Hu-Dad offered a nice, dry, warm bed inside several times, but Q-Tip refused. Who wants to be inside on such a glorious day?

Who wants a hug?

Who wants a hug?


  1. Shari on May 24, 2017 at 7:18 am

    Lovable Squishy!

  2. Lori on May 24, 2017 at 6:59 am

    You make such a cute cotton ball Q-tip ????

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