May Fires Chase Away May Freezes

Our fireplace is roaring away, so we can safely say May fires chase away May freezes. Could someone please explain the calendar to Mother Nature?

Radiant floor heat makes kitchen duty easier.

Radiant floor heat makes kitchen duty easier.

Cheoah firmly believes in claiming a prime spot in the kitchen while human dinner is being prepared. After all, someone has to keep the floors clean.

What is unusual for May is that our heat is running. In case you think she looks uncomfortable in the photograph above, remember that our heating system is radiant floor heating – warm water pumped underneath the floors. Thus, our floors are comfy and warm all winter long.

Strangely, we have had light snow showers off and on all day, though we have had no accumulation. So those warm kitchen floors sure helped in kitchen supervisor duty.

And post dinner, Cheoah retired to the den where the fireplace is roaring away.

Who cares that the calendar says May? It's cold enough for May fires in the fireplace.

Who cares that the calendar says May? It’s cold enough for May fires in the fireplace.

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  1. Jerry G-Pa Owens on May 7, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    Yep G-Ma and I passed by the bottom of your Mountain Saturday. We were headed to Gatlinburg. We like going the mountain route. And…we saw some snow ❄️ too. But they wouldn’t let us on the Foothills Parkway, it was closed for ICE AND SNOW.

  2. Lori on May 7, 2017 at 7:21 am

    Cozy on up to that beautiful warm fire Cheoah and get yourself all toasty ❤️

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