Backing Brothers Or Playing Games

Typhoon is faced with that daily decision – backing brothers that need some assistance or playing games around Chez Herd.

Looks like I might need to help my brother.

Looks like I might need to help my brother.

Typhoon has always marched to his own drummer. He enjoys his rascally reputation that allows him to do what he wants when he wants. But, as he matures, he is sometimes faced with the difficult decisions about whether to embrace maturity or not.

Frankie alerting to some threat.

Frankie alerting to some threat.

In this case, a light drizzle was falling across Sibe Quentin. Besides, there were games to be played on the porch. So does he take off and help his brother? Or does Typhoon stay back and play games?

Sorry, Big Bro.

Maybe I will grow up next year.


  1. Pat and Rebel on May 6, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    Smart boy Typhoon, your brothers have it under control and I am sure they would want you to play, Enjoy!

  2. Lori on May 6, 2017 at 7:33 am

    Atta boy Typhoon! Play! Keep on playing!

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