Home To Our Favorite Napping Spots

After a week on the road in the S-RV, it was so great to come home and reclaim our favorite napping spots. Well, most of us.

Cheoah's couch.

Cheoah’s couch.

We have so much fun on our S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle) trips. We get to meet new people, hike new trails, explore new towns. But after a week on the road, it is so nice to be back in our own house.

Typhoon under Hu-Dad's desk.

Typhoon under Hu-Dad’s desk.

Some of us like outdoor spots and some of us like indoor spots. Within a short time of being back home, we each settled into our favorite place and commenced naptime.

The peace and quiet of the senior porch. Well, except for the snoring.

The peace and quiet of the senior porch. Well, except for the snoring.

What could be better than to get comfortable at home after a vacation?

Hu-Dad? Can you do something about that?

Hu-Dad? Can you do something about that?

We can officially say that 5 out of 6 Siberian Huskies love napping upon return home. And the 6th? Let’s just say running around like a crazy dog seems to have its appeal.




  1. The Ao4 on April 30, 2017 at 10:57 am

    I like the running around like a crazy dog idea!!!!!! Napping is sometimes good, though. I must say, I like Frankie’s advice on the guest rooms. I can EASILY jump that gate – or knock it out of the brackets. I might just give it a try!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  2. Lori on April 30, 2017 at 7:46 am

    Welcome home Thundering Herd. I’m so glad you had a fun trip. Get rested up so the Siberian games can begin ????????

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