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Our RVing trip has taken us to Cumberland Mountain State Park in Crossville, Tennessee, and Ruby has found the benefit of being the center of attention.
Our cousins, Ruby and Tartok, are traveling with the Hu-Grandmom on our current RV excursion. We met up with some other family members at Cumberland Mountain which included some time hanging out in the campsite and telling stories.
Ruby wasted no time working her way into the middle of the group, happily allowing person after person to scratch her ears.
And just in case that was not brazen enough . . .
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
I’d sure be giving Ruby some ear scratches if I could!!!! Enjoy your travels, your family, and most of all, your Sibes ????❤️
Ruby knows how to work it lol. You go girl. I hope you all are enjoying your vacation and family time. I see Ruby is lol. Hugs and kisses to the herd.