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Hu-Dad often stares at all of us and wonders what exactly is the thinking process of a Siberian Husky. Let’s explore that idea for just a few minutes.
We often appear to be deep in thought as we sit and study our surroundings. Are we solving complicated equations? Pondering current events? Questioning the meaning of life?
Or, maybe, as Hu-Dad suspects, we are simply thinking about food.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Sorry, have not been keeping up with the “Thundering Herd” for awhile. Never a dull moment with huskies except when they are sleeping! Yes, mine all have those “Boomerang” tags on their collars(HowlingDogAlaska from Ivana). Before you know it the “fur will be flying” in huskyland!
That is usually what’s on the collies minds.
Left out Poop and pee 😛
I totally understand that the thought process of a Sibe is a complex system of introspection! And they look so cute doing it!!
Mom sez: I think that last photo about says it all. After all, supper time is about the most important time there is — well, except for going for long walks, at least. Or, for Ebby, it’s “do you want to go for a ride in the van?”