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Landon adores his big brother, Frankie Suave, and is a believer in always having his brother’s back – even if Frankie doesn’t really need the help.
Much to Frankie’s chagrin, Landon insists on being as close as possible to his big brother at all times. Notice carefully in the picture above that Landon is just touching Frankie’s paw – by accident, of course. Frankie had just sprawled out on the porch to enjoy the morning sun when Landon bounded over to check in. Realizing that the Franken-stein had no intention of playing, Boom Boom settled in as close as possible. Keeping watch, of course.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Love how Landon wants to be so close to his adored big brother. Love the interaction of all members of the Herd. They are great role models. Rest easy Frankie, Landon is on alert for any trouble not of his making.
Rebel is celebrating his 8th birthday today.
Awwwww! That’s just too sweet!