April Showers Herd Style – Film Friday

Film Friday is back! After a week at the beach, what could be more appropriate than some April Showers Herd Style (slightly frozen)?

What is this stuff falling from the sky? April Showers

What is this stuff falling from the sky?

We are having a quite typical week of mountain weather for April. We posted about Hu-Dad having to mow the grass earlier this week when it was warm and sunny. Then, we shared the brutal wave of thunderstorms that hammered us (and freaked Frankie out). And Mother Nature decided to add a little snow to the mix yesterday. Just to round things out, we are under a fire watch today because of high winds.

But let’s just talk about the snow today. Enjoy our own version of April Showers – Herd Style for this week’s Film Friday.

While you are watching the Film Friday, don’t forget to go to our YouTube channel and subscribe so you never miss a new video!


  1. KJ Pierson on April 11, 2017 at 7:30 pm

    Just noticed the giant poof ball that is the end of Kiska’s tail while I was sitting in class watching this 😛

  2. Lori on April 7, 2017 at 7:29 am

    I like your style Cheoah! Curled up in front of the fireplace ❤

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