April Showers Bring . . . Thunderstorms!

Our continually changing spring weather brought a series of thunderstorms to Chez Herd –  much to the displeasure of Frankie Suave.

Was that a boom?

Was that a boom?

Frankie’s Thundershirt was put into use yesterday for the first time this season. He wore it for most of the day as the thunder rumbled over and over.

Please make the sky stop booming.

Please make the sky stop booming.

Poor Frankie Suave is ultra cool about everything – except noise.

Note: Full disclosure – The above link connects to our Amazon affiliate account. If you make a purchase, we receive a small compensation from Amazon. However, the Thundershirt we own was purchased at full retail price and we have not received any compensation for mentioning the product.

Brakes screeching. Tires smoking. Horn blaring. Collision Imminent. No matter how hard I tried, I would not avoid crashing into the car in front of me.

Hu-Dad has another short story posted over at Conjuring Reality – a slightly exciting moment on our return from the beach. Go read the story here.


  1. Dennis the Vizsla on April 9, 2017 at 10:49 am

    hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am rite their with yoo frankie!!! thunderstorms!!! i am not a fan!!! ok bye

  2. KJ Pierson on April 6, 2017 at 9:38 pm

    Leena’s fear of loud noises comes and goes. Now and then she’ll come cowering like its hit right beside her. Others, like it was miles away. Only difference being one was 2 minutes before/after the other.

  3. Juno's mom on April 6, 2017 at 9:35 am

    I wonder if one of those iCalm dog things would help him. It’s on throughadogsear.com. There is a card for the player that addresses thunder, plus others for different issues. Poor guy.

  4. The Painter Pack on April 6, 2017 at 6:56 am

    Oh Frankie…Our CoCo girl is the same way. We feel your pain…

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