Website Crashes and Claims of Innocence

As many of you probably notice, we had an issue with website crashes yesterday morning. All fixed now, but lots of innocence claims here!

Typhoon's best innocent look is very, very good.

Typhoon’s best innocent look is very, very good.

Hu-dad woke up yesterday morning, checked his email, and discovered that our website had crashed overnight. Not just our site, but all of his personal websites crashed. He freaked, he panicked, and, most importantly, he almost forgot to feed us breakfast.

The horror. The horror.

The horror. The horror.

Now he claims breakfast was not late. In fact, he claims it was early. Something about we went outside early so he could work on the websites and we thought that meant it was breakfast time. Regardless, he has his story, we have our story, and we outnumber him so we must be right.

Typhoon foraging for food - or so he claims.

Typhoon foraging for food – or so he claims.

Hu-Dad’s side of the story is on one of his other websites, but we think you should just believe our version. And, for the record, excess Siberian fur was NOT the cause.


  1. Susan McManus on February 2, 2017 at 8:49 am

    On the weekends, my son gets off work at 3 a.m. When I get up to get him, Tokyo and the bunny get very excited. Mom is up… Breakfast! Tokyo understands the phrase, “night-night,” and will reluctantly return to bed. The bunny does not. Glad you were able to fix your server problem…And feed the starving babies.????

  2. KJ Pierson on February 2, 2017 at 7:38 am

    Feeding time is always relative. I’m up at 6 this morning, dog has been sick…cat sitting on an end table I have her food covered up on…staring…”You’re up..therefore it is feeding time.” Nevermind it is 2 hours before her normal feeding time.

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