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Our winter continues its weird pattern and the Snow Thief has already visited. Yes, it is the Case of the Disappearing Snow.
Our temperatures dropped at the end of last week and remained below freezing through the weekend, bringing some glorious snow with the cold. We went to bed Monday night and the temperature rose all night long. The daylight brought warm temperatures and rapidly fading snow. Typhoon was just one of a Herd of disappointed Siberian Huskies and he spent a good bit of the day trying to savor the white fluffy stuff.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
hello typhoon its dennis the vizsla dog hay that sno theef!!! so sneeky like a ninja!!! i think yoo need to duble the patrols to protekt the nekst sno wot falls!!! ok bye
Awwww kids I’m sorry that snow thief returned… it’s still just February so maybe there’ll be yet another chance of some big snow ????