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Our resident Sous Chef, Cheoah, had a discussion with Hu-Dad over proper kitchen etiquette during dinner preparations last night.
Hu-Dad was preparing an Italian Cheese-Stuffed Meatloaf last night, assisted by his ever present Sous Chef, Cheoah. Fresh bread crumbs are required as a critical ingredient, so Hu-Dad took a loaf of bread, chopped up the requisite amount, and left the remainder on the counter to serve with dinner. A certain Sous Chef might have thought the remainder was meant as pay for kitchen work. Hu-Dad looked over and saw a certain red nose absconding with the bread.
Bread retrieved, trimmed, and served with the meal.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
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Would Cheoah be willing to share that yummy meatloaf recipe with her fans?
Mom sez: Awww, and the hu-Dad didn’t even let you have the trimmed off piece? And that IS the most remorseful looking face I’ve seen in a long time. Did you tell him you were truly sorry, Cheoah?
My defense is that I was doing my duty to make sure that your food is up to culinary standard. I am inclined to say that a bigger second taste might be warranted. 🙂
He had to sample it to make sure it was up to standards!!!
How dare he take food out of your mouth! Give him the claw!
It was a valiant effort Cheoah! I mean really! Every chef is supposed to get her pay!! ????????
Good it wasn’t garlic bread or Cheoah would have an upset tummy.