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With a houseful of brothers and sisters and yard of snow, what could Frankie possibly complain about? We will let him explain Frankie’s lament.
Frankie. Why the sad look? You have fresh snow. Cold weather. Lots of brothers and sisters. Surely everyone is outside romping and playing in the snow. A perfect time for you to sneak inside and curl up for a quiet nap on the comfortable couch. What could possibly go wrong?
Ok, fine. Typhoon and Cheoah are being a little loud at the moment. Surely they will settle down shortly.
Hu-Dad has posted some pictures of yesterday’s 0 degree sunrise over on his photography page.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Mom sez: Awww, poor Frankie! Isn’t there SOMEWHERE you can go to find peace and quiet?
He does look miffed. Leave it to Typhoon to break the calm.
Oh Frankie so sad! My Simon give me that face today when I dared to try to feed him normal dog food.
Look at your sad precious face Frankie ????????
Poor Frankie but maybe he should join the fun?