Qannik’s Santa Claus Letter For Christmas

With Christmas this weekend, we are each writing to Mr. Claus with our wish list. Today, we share Qannik’s Santa Claus letter.

This is how my sister posed, right?

This is how my sister posed, right?

Dear Santa Claus,

Let me start out by making sure you ignore Kiska’s request to bring me a brain. She means well, but I have one. And it is almost like new! I rarely use it, so it is in great condition. So, thank you, but I really don’t need a brain. Or another one. Whatever.

Another thing I don’t need is green beans. For some odd reason, Hu-Dad keeps giving me and giving me green beans when I would rather have more food. He says it will be so that I am smaller, but, come on, who doesn’t want a big fluffy Qannik to hug. Especially when it’s been raining and I have been sitting in the rain.

What would be cool would be some white dirt. I love playing around in the mud and dirt, but Hu-Dad can always tell. Maybe if the dirt was white it would hide in my coat and Hu-Dad would never know.

I could also use a pair of ear plugs. I am pretty good about not hearing Hu-Dad when he calls me to come in, but it is really hard not to hear Kiska yelling at me. She loves telling me what to do and I love ignoring her and ear plugs would help!

Hu-Dad said he was going to leave you cookies and milk, but he probably will just leave you an empty glass and plate full of crumbs. I mean, it’s not like I would eat cookies and milk if they were left out on the counter or anything.

Anyway, have a safe trip.

Merry Christmas,


No, I don't have cookie crumbs in my fur.

No, I don’t have cookie crumbs in my fur.

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  1. Jane on December 21, 2016 at 7:19 am

    Oh Mr fluff ball you made my morning. I totally understand about the green beans, but it is what is good for you. My Bruce is on a diet too, but not because he is over weight. His Dr wants him to be on the thin side because he has hip dysplasia and it is better for his hips if he is on the thin side. Believe me the dr is right. If he puts on some weight he limps a lot and can hardly get up in our bed. He sleeps with us lol. So while you love your food, it is much better for you in the long run not to be so fluffy. You’ll thank Hu-Dad later when you’re older and can move better than most dogs. Hugs and kisses to the herd.

  2. Lori on December 21, 2016 at 7:14 am

    Qannik, precious boy, I agree 100% with Mom ‘n Ebby! Your fluffy self is so huggable and loveable!!! Merry Christmas sweetheart ????❤

  3. Mom 'n Ebby on December 21, 2016 at 5:12 am

    Mom writes: Dear Qannik — You just never mind what the rest of the Herd says about you, you just keep on being your fluffy, white, adorable, cuddly self, and you’ll do right fine, and I’m sure Santa will agree with me ‘n Ebby.

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