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With Christmas rapidly approaching, we wanted to make sure that Mr. Claus knew what we wanted. We start off with Kiska’s Santa Claus letter.
Dear Santa Claus,
First, I would like to apologize for that little incident last year when I yelled at you and the reindeer. You see, as the Chief of Security, is it my job to protect Chez Herd and chase away all intruders. Besides, that reindeer smell really got to me. I promise this year not to yell . . . oh, who am I kidding?
What I really want for Christmas is a magic potion to keep tangles out of my fur. I love, love, love Hu-Dad brushing out my long coat, but I make him stop the second he hits a tangle. Sometimes that doesn’t happen for a while. Sometimes, though, it happens in the first stroke. Either way, game over at that point.
And could you bring my brother, Qannik, just a wee bit of energy to help me with the security patrols. Or a brain. He could use one of those, too. Of course, he has gotten through life so far without using one, so maybe it is ok.
And, most importantly, can you bring something to make those youngsters stop bouncing so much. And make Typhoon and Landon SLOW DOWN. I have to yell at them several times a day and they still don’t change. Sigh.
Anyway, I have been a good girl. I alert Hu-Dad to everything that moves outside – animals, humans, leaves, shadows, wind – so I know he is very appreciative.
Hope you have a safe journey. And keep those reindeer away from my yard.
Merry Christmas,
P.S. – If you want to see one of our neighbors that I have to yell it, check out Hu-Dad’s post on his photography page.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
We yell at coyotes ALL the time. It’s quite effective!!
-Otto and Osa
What a sweet girl! (A groomer told me that huskies have pretty sensitive skin and why mine hates being combed, so we just go for a good blowout. )
We are all over the place. Some of us love, love, love being brushed. Cheoah, in particular, can fall asleep while being brushed. Others – notably Typhoon – considered it the highest form of torture and will race for the furthest point in the yard to avoid the abuse.
My pup has very short hair but I have long hair and I can totally understand the tangle issue! Has Hu-Dad tried a dog hair detangler? Again I never have for my pup so I can’t be sure that they even work.
Kiska you are such a hard worker! How old are you now?
Kiska joined the Herd in August 2006 – over ten years ago! We don’t really know how old she was at the time, but probably between 1 and 3. So that makes her at least 11 and probably older. She says she will never tell!
Mom ‘n Ebby say: Merry Christmas, Kiska, and please pass this on to the rest of the Herd from us here in Dawson Creek. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and that your Security Department doesn’t get too “stressed out” with Santa’s “comings and goings”!
I sure hope you get your Christmas list presents from St. Nick, Kiska!! Surely he understands the security needs at chez herd and realizes that he and his team make a good racket when they appear…. not to mention the smell that precedes them… I know he will accommodate your wishes sweetheart! Merry Christmas to the whole herd, both two-legged and four-legged.
Oh Kiska I know brothers need a brain. I wish Santa would bring my brother a brain too lol. You do, do such a wonderful job as chief of security. I’m sure Hu-Dad is very appreciative of how great you are at your job. I don’t blame you about those bouncy youngsters. They need to behave in the house. Outside is ok, but definitely not in the house. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a great New Year. Hugs and kisses to the herd.