Non-stop Chatter From The Q-Tip

Kiska loves hanging out all day with her brother, Qannik, except for one minor detail. The non-stop chatter from the Q-Tip.

Kiska hanging with her pal, Qannik.

Kiska hanging with her pal, Qannik.

To be fair, Q has quite the lovely voice. We all know because he tends to do a play-by-play of happenings around Chez Herd.

Just chattering away.

Just chattering away.

We have several talkers in the house and Landon may be rapidly catching Q in the motormouth department, but, for now, Q still reigns supreme for talking.

Still talking.

Still talking.

So understand that Kiska really does love her fluffy brother, but the eye-rolls are certainly well earned.

Anyone have earplugs they can send me?

Anyone have earplugs they can send me?


  1. Lizzy on December 14, 2016 at 2:32 am

    Kiska’s face says it all – Get this puppy away from me. Please. Now?

  2. rottrover on December 13, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    Oh man!! My new sister Osa talks ALL THE TIME! ABOUT EVERYTHING!! I hear her in my sleep!!


  3. Mom 'n Ebby on December 13, 2016 at 10:02 am

    Mom sez: I just love to hear them “natter” back when talked to. Ayla was like that. The more you “bawled her out” for something, the more she’d “lip off” back at you. Keep it up, Qannik, make yourself heard.

  4. Lori on December 13, 2016 at 7:20 am

    So much to talk about QTip!!! So few listeners ❤️

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