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When Hu-Dad is concentrating on his busyness in the study, we resort to sophisticated distraction techniques to get our appropriate level of attention.
Yes, Hu-Dad really does have a trackpad, a Wacom Tablet, and a mouse. Regardless of which one he reaches for, Frankie has strategically placed his head in the path of his hand. Hand touches head – ear scratches commence. Clever, huh?
If he continues working or if he is just typing, we have to escalate to the stare. Hu-Dad finds this quite distracting and struggles to maintain concentration.
Frankie is now demonstrating level 3. Escalating further is rarely necessary. Let’s face it – even our readers are reduced to pure obedience with that look from Frankie.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
You’re missing the head-butt, which works great when type-y or mouse-y things are going on.
Mom sez: The stare, and the paw, together, are just TOO much to resist. Ebby does the exact same thing!
Eddie does the walk-past circle, intending for me to get up and follow him to open a door/refill water/scratch back. If that is insufficient, he also progresses to the paw-on-knee.
The irresistible paw on the leg.
Love me some Frankie!!! Scratch away Hu dad!!!
Frankie I’d be putty in your paws
Frankie, the Godfather of Paw technique!