Cool Q Doggles – The New Fashion Statement

A new fashion trend has been started and we want to see it spread everywhere – Cool Q Doggles as modeled by the Q-Tip himself.

Hey, this is about me, too.

Hey, this is about me, too.

Fair enough, Cheesewhiz, we will start with you. As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Cheoah had a number of growths removed from her skin and tested. The tests showed the bumps to be benign, so we were happy with that result. During this vet visit, she had the stitches removed and handled it all like a trooper. She said compared to Typhoon chomping on her neck, a few stitches were nothing.

And can we discuss my diet, Doc?

And can we discuss my diet, Doc?

Good news, bad news for Q. The good news is that his intestinal infection seems to be cured so we are transferring him back over to his regular diet in the next few days. The bad news is that he still has to lose some weight, so we will be restarting his green bean diet. Bummer, huh, Q?

We have also started laser treatments for some arthritis in his left front leg and paw. Laser is so relaxing, except for having to put up with those doggles. As you can see from the next picture, Hu-Dad was holding Q for the treatment, but might have failed a little in the doggle placement:

Let's call it the Cool Q Doggles look - and not mention that I was peeking.

Let’s call it the Cool Q Doggles look – and not mention that I was peeking.

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  1. KJ Pierson on December 10, 2016 at 12:37 pm

    I’ll join you anytime for your treatment Q! The human with the laser can try it on my joints too! Only if I get to wear the doggles too!

  2. Lori on December 10, 2016 at 8:00 am

    Aww sweet Q… you look very cool in your doggies. I’m so happy for the good news from the vet office…. sorry though about the green beans Sweetie ❤️

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