Someone Watching Over You

Do you ever get that feeling that someone is behind you? Watching everything that you do? Qannik gets that feeling a lot.

Is someone watching me?

Is someone watching me?

As we have mentioned before, Queen Natasha continues to handle patrol duty herself, but our Chief of Security, Kiska, insists that she is watched carefully.

Queen Natasha patrolling the perimeter.

Queen Natasha patrolling the perimeter.

Qannik was assigned watch duty, but Kiska felt the need to carefully supervise the Q-Tip.

Someone has to watch the watcher.

Someone has to watch the watcher.

Qannik sympathizes with any of you who has that boss always hovering and monitoring your work. He knows the feeling quite well.

The Queen's activity being monitored carefully.

The Queen’s activity being monitored carefully.


  1. Lori on September 15, 2016 at 7:16 am

    There’s nothing better than teamwork ❤️

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