Commercial Break Entertainment

We love sharing TV time with the Hu-Dad as he stretches out on the couch, but the best part is the entertainment during a commercial break.

What a riveting moment . . . must be about time for a commercial break.

What a riveting moment . . . must be about time for a commercial break.

Hu-Dad has this strange rule that there is no wrestling, yelling, or choir practice when he is watching TV, or he will just turn it off. We should also mention that we don’t watch a lot of TV. Not sure if those two issues are connected.

He also has this silly rule that he has a spot on the couch and none of us should take it. When he gets up from the couch, we try to explain just how silly that rule is.

Yes, we took both his seat and his ottoman. Teamwork!

Yes, we took both his seat and his ottoman. Teamwork!

At least we were not violating his no wrestling rule.



P.S. – Yes, Typhoon was tethered again. We can’t imagine why.


  1. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on September 15, 2016 at 1:43 am

    Mom sez: Sorrowfully, one day Typhoon will grow up, and then where will be all be? Or, will he maybe be like Peter Pan, and NEVER grow up — d’ya think?

  2. Lori on September 14, 2016 at 7:24 am

    Sibes will be Sibes ????????

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