Big Brother Special Privileges

Frankie enjoys hanging out with his little brother, Typhoon. Sometimes, however, Frankie claims big brother special privileges.

Why aren't you in your crate like everyone else?

Why aren’t you in your crate like everyone else, Typhoon?

Our mornings begin with a yard inspection, followed by choir practice, a wrestling match, and breakfast. Post breakfast, thoughts turn to one of our favorite activities, napping. We each have an outdoor crate (in addition to an indoor crate) perfect for a morning snooze.

Typhoon's crate occupied by big brother Frankie.

Typhoon’s crate occupied by big brother Frankie.

And why did Frankie confiscate Typhoon’s crate? Our dog porchesĀ are covered for maximum weather and sun protection. Since they face due east, however, they are directly in the morning sun. In the winter, the sunshine is welcomed. With our recent heat, everypup is avoiding the sun. Because of the shape of the house, Cheoah’s and Typhoon’s crates receive shade first. What is big brother to do? Why, claim his little brother’s crate, of course.

He doesn't seem to feel guilty either about claiming big brother special privileges

Though, he doesn’t seem to feel guilty.


  1. Lizzy on July 25, 2016 at 8:56 pm

    Typhoon looks so scrawny in that picture – he needs more meat on his bones!

    • The Thundering Herd on July 25, 2016 at 9:04 pm

      Hu-Dad explains that to him all of the time. He would like to point out that he now eats his meals . . . mostly. And he has gained a couple of pounds.

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