Cousins Agree on Thunderstorms

Frankie and Tartok may not see each other every day, but they share similar thoughts. For example, the cousins agree on thunderstorms.

Not coming out from under your desk, Hu-Dad, because I heard thunder.

Not coming out from under your desk, Hu-Dad, because I heard thunder.

Hu-Dad drove over to Hu-Grandmom’s house last night for dinner. Just before he left Chez Herd, a small thunderstorm arrived during ourĀ dinner time. Frankie expressed his usual opinion about how the sky should not make noise. Though, we should point out, that did not interfere with his dinner.

Cousin Tartok hates thunder, too.

Cousin Tartok hates thunder, too.

When Hu-Dad arrived at our cousins’ house, he noticed that Tartok was in the same position as Frankie – and equally clear about his distaste for thunder. Of course, not all cousins (or brothers and sisters) agree.

You boys are so silly.

You boys are so silly.


  1. Jan on July 24, 2016 at 1:15 pm

    We have a Poodle who lifts his little head up and barks at the thunder. It always goes away. You might try that.

  2. Lori on July 24, 2016 at 7:40 am

    I know boys! That thunder is just too loud and harsh!!!

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