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When a competitor steps up and throws down the gauntlet, the only appropriate response – challenge accepted. And that is exactly what happened.
The Little Prince, as it so often happens, threw down the challenge in typical Siberian fashion. Play bow given, taunts thrown, and the race starts.
Add a little snow, some cold temperatures, and a brisk wind – and the chase would have been quite fun. In the middle of June, that was just a wee bit warm for us fur covered creatures. The end result – a smile amid heavy panting.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
That is one satisfied youngster????
Look at that giant tongue!
Fantastic job! A good run is always great!
Not trying to be rude, but isn’t today
” Video Friday”
Just asking…..
Funny I was thinking the same thing, then realized it’s Thursday. We are addicted herd fans.