Crime Sweep Alert

Our ever alert Chief of Security Kiska loudly howled protest over a crime sweep happening just outside of her secure area.

Security alert just off of our porch!

Security alert just off of our porch!

Now you may be wondering what sort of crime sweep, but Hu-Dad told us it was a sweep. Or a chimney sweep. Holy Batman, you don’t think the criminal was trying to steal our chimney, do you? While he told us we were cute, we just can’t trust strangers!

What are you doing up there?

What are you doing up there?

While we wanted to help, Hu-Dad said the visitor just needed our careful supervision. Since he placed his ladder right beside our porch, we could watch his every move. We never saw him steal our chimney, but Hu-Dad said he took away a bunch of soot. We are not sure what soot is, but we bet it is very tasty. Amazingly, the chimney sweep never shared any with us.

Do you need any help up there?

Do you need any help up there?

P.S. – We are not sure how this works, but Hu-Dad says household projects are always more efficient if we are outside. Guess we help with our amazing supervisory skills.


  1. Lori on June 22, 2016 at 7:47 am

    Thank goodness you were all there to watch!!! Phew… the chimney thief was not able to get away with the chimney!!!

  2. Andrea on June 22, 2016 at 4:17 am

    *haha* No better security team or supervisors could be found anywhere!! 🙂

  3. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on June 22, 2016 at 4:04 am

    Mom sez: You AND the hu-Dad should feel very fortunate that the chimney sweep did not share his soot with you, or I have a feeling you’d have all been subjected to many hours being bathed, (and I include the hu-Dad in the “all”)! Jus’ sayin’!

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