Wolves In The Wild Grasses

Prey rarely ventures out into open fields for fear of wolves in the wild grasses, stealthily hunting without being seen or heard.

Stalking wolf?

Stalking wolf?

The wolf rules the prairies, taking prey easily with its swiftness of foot and fearsome abilities. The lower animals quiver in fear at its ferociousness and no one dares challenge its dominance. The only thing a big, bad wolf fears is a bigger, badder wolf.

Uh, Big Bro, you are ruining my daydream.

Uh, Big Bro, you are ruining my daydream.

The challenger wolf was no match and was quickly chased away, allowing the mighty hunter to return to its reign of terror over the prey that quivered in its shadow.

That boy has some imagination.

That boy has some imagination.


  1. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on June 9, 2016 at 7:00 am

    Mom, Ice ‘n Ebby all say: Enjoy your big dream, Little Man!

  2. Peyton on June 8, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    I was a big bad hunter for a little while until someone spoiled it.

  3. Lori on June 8, 2016 at 7:48 am

    Love your daydream Ty-wolf!

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