Inside Outside Confusion

Hu-Dad said that we appear to be suffering from some sort of inside outside confusion based on our recent behavior indoors and outdoors.

Typhoon and Cheoah napping in a bit of sunshine.

Typhoon and Cheoah napping in a bit of sunshine.

We went outside this morning about sunrise, ate our breakfast, and commenced napping. Normally, we ask to come inside several times a day, but yesterday we just quietly napped. Every time that Hu-Dad checked on us, he saw a scene something like this:

Frankie snoozervising the South Lawn.

Frankie snoozervising the South Lawn.

In other words, we were quiet and very well-behaved outdoors all day long. When we finally asked to come inside, we immediately broke into this:



Seems right to us, but Hu-Dad says we have things backwards.


  1. Lisa on June 4, 2016 at 11:18 am

    Eddie is the same way, especially if he has a friend over (aka if I’m dog sitting). They’ll be enthusiastically wrestling and chasing indoors, but within moments of being *encouraged* to go on the porch they’ll be napping, apparently saving up energy for when they come inside again (unless it’s winter and there are piles of snow on the porch, then wrestling and digging and chasing of ice-chunks, etc will ensue).

  2. KJ Pierson on June 4, 2016 at 11:12 am

    Not inside outside confusion for them. Only your perception is messed up, 6 dogs can’t be wrong when compared to 2 servants.

  3. Lori on June 4, 2016 at 7:55 am

    Ahhhh the soothing effect of warm sunshine on post breakfast Sibes….

  4. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on June 4, 2016 at 5:16 am

    Mom sez: It’s got to be a Husky thing, because Ice and Ebby do the same thing. lie around on the deck for hours, then come bursting through the patio doors like the devil himself was chasing them, and roar up and down the hall half a dozen times before collapsing in a heap in the living room.

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