Taste Test Herd Style

Typhoon and Cheoah appeared to be engaged in a very special, Herd Style taste test – and it appeared that Cheoah one as always.

Tastes like Munchkin neck.

Tastes like Munchkin neck.

Typhoon’s favorite wrestling partner is always Cheoah. Sometimes he instigates the match and sometimes she does, but the battle will go back and forth for quite a while. At some point, to make things interesting, Cheoah always allows Typhoon to think he has an actual chance of winning.

Tastes like Cheesewhiz ear.

Tastes like Cheesewhiz ear.

Just when Typhoon has a little hope, Cheoah ups her game and goes for the win. With her years of experience and superior strength, the end result is always the same.

Tastes like victory.

Tastes like victory.


  1. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on May 17, 2016 at 3:48 pm

    Mom sez: Just wondering if it’s a case of Typhoon actually winning occasionally, or does CW actually “LET” him win occasionally, just to keep the game going?

  2. Melon on May 17, 2016 at 4:12 am

    Huh! How do they know the game is ‘won’? If they keep taking turns at each other, does it ever end?

    • The Thundering Herd on May 17, 2016 at 6:34 am

      Typhoon is totally stuck and can’t move – Cheese wins. The game, of course, starts right back up within minutes.

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