Our Personal Waterpark

Since our sunrise temperature Sunday morning was just below freezing, Cheoah thought that was a perfect time to open our personal waterpark.

Hey, Hu-Dad, can I come back inside?

Hey, Hu-Dad, can I come back inside?

Hu-Dad was hardly surprised when he heard the knock on the patio door that some dogs wanted to come back inside right after being let outside. After all, our temperatures really were below freezing and some canines have begun loosing their winter coats. But when he walked to the patio door and discovered it was water covered, he thought we might need to stay outside a bit longer.

When Typhoon is the dog in the picture being good, you know the day will be special.

When Typhoon is the dog in the picture being good, you know the day will be special.

Cheoah has always had a huge affinity for playing in the water bucket, but that normally happens on warm days when she is trying to cool herself off. Hu-Dad just never quite thought  that sub-freezing temperatures qualified as “needing cooling off” weather.

Wheeee! This is fun!

Wheeee! This is fun!


  1. Chris on May 16, 2016 at 9:53 am

    Cheoah was in full-on Picasso mode, painting ice pictures on the glass door. Indulging her inner artist.

  2. KJ Pierson on May 16, 2016 at 6:34 am

    Cheoah is in full derp mode!

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