Reserved Seating

When you notice that the best seat is taken – especially a seat with a view, you just know that person was lucky enough to get reserved seating.

I can see everything from here.

I can see everything from here.

In Hu-Dad’s study, the coveted seat is a chair opposite of Hu-Dad’s desk. From that chair, you can monitor the Hu-Dad, monitor wildlife movement in front of the house, and be seated on in a cushy spot – all at the same time.

Why am I in the floor and my big bro has that chair?

Why am I in the floor and my big bro has that chair?

Typhoon, anyone with older sibling knows the answer to that question.

Because I am the BIG brother. That's why.

Because I am the BIG brother. That’s why.

And in the age old world of sibling rivalry, the winner of the coveted spot has to do a little gloating.

And it is soooo comfortable.

And it is soooo comfortable.

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  1. Lori on May 1, 2016 at 7:48 am

    I think I’d want the coveted seat too Typhoon! Looks verrrrrryyyyyy comfy!

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