Film Friday – Heating Up And Cooling Off

We love a Film Friday video that contains a Frankie Bass Woo, a wrestling match heating up, and a Cheesewhiz cooling off.

So don't step in the water bucket? - cooling off

So don’t step in the water bucket?

Yes, that’s correct, Cheesewhiz. No matter what, do not step in that water bucket. Don’t splash in that water bucket. Don’t dig in that water bucket. Oh, who are we kidding?

But I had to.

But I had to.

And exactly why did you have to splash around in the water bucket? Why in the world did you need to cool off like that?

I have this little brother.

I have this little brother.

Yes, yes, blame everything on Typhoon. Though we would like to point out that our Film Friday starts out with that rarely captured, deep bass voiced, Frankie woo. Not just one. Not two. But three Frankie bass woo’s in a row. And, in the background, you hear some Q-Tip protest in the middle of the Frankie Bass Woo’s.

So enjoy Film Friday.


  1. Melon on April 25, 2016 at 5:20 am

    Now I know why he’s called Frankie Suave! Those are some amazing bass woos. And the rest, for that matter – I think if I had a pack of huskies it would take a lot of practice before I realise they’re not trying to kill each other every time I hear snarling!

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on April 23, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Mom sez: Loved the movie, watching the Herd at play. And so did Ebby! She LOVED Frankie’s “woos”. Ears on “red alert”, and wanting to get into the fun. I loved Cheoah’s water bucket scene! We’d love to see more movies of the Herd in action!

  3. carolyn on April 22, 2016 at 10:46 am

    Is this a redhead thing? My Shelby redhead also does this to the water bucket. Drives me mad as often she’s been digging and then does it – and the full-snooter plunge as well. Sigh.

  4. Lori on April 22, 2016 at 8:41 am

    Love the video!!! Love Frankie’s bass woos! Love the noisy wrestlers! Love the bulldozer move ?? Love it! Love it! Love it!!

  5. Zoe on April 22, 2016 at 7:38 am

    So just curious
    When filming how often is the cameraman run over, rolled upon or in Cheese Wiz’ case gotten slightly damp while going in for a lose up?

    • The Thundering Herd on April 22, 2016 at 7:44 am

      Shrug. Collateral damage. As long as he doesn’t break the camera.

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