A Bird In The Hand

Typhoon learned a valuable lesson is contained in an old saying. A bird in the hand – er, paw – is worth less than a bird in the bush – er, mouth. Or something like that.

Young whipper-snappers.

Young whipper-snappers.

We should began our story many years ago when we lived in our old house (all the way on the other side of the ranch). We were sitting on our screened porch and a bird was swooping back and forth. Natasha just sat and calmly watched it swoop over and over and over until suddenly – snap. Without even standing up, Queen Nathasha the Evil just snapped the bird out of the air. Hu-Dad was reminded of an old Warner Brothers cartoon as only a few feathers were left floating and Natasha just continued sitting. Problem solved.

Yeah, but I am faster.

Yeah, but I am faster.

Typhoon exerts much more energy. He is amazingly fast – running, spinning, and turning to catch his prey. In the last couple of weeks, he has run down one rabbit and two birds. Yes, that is right, he chased and outran a rabbit. No tricks, just faster.

And, yes, he has pounced on two different adult birds and caught them. They simply were not quick enough to take flight.

Now the funny thing is that Typhoon loves the thrill of the hunt, but really has no interest in eating them. Remember, Typhoon is the world’s pickiest eating dog. We have battled continually to find a mix of meals that he will consistently eat and the wild game he catches is no different.

So when Typhoon caught his last bird Thursday, Hu-Dad traipsed out into the yard and traded a liver treat for a bird. Typhoon gladly dropped the bird to retrieve the treat.

And you think I am always good, right?

And you think I am always good, right?

Yes, Frankie was in the yard at the time. Mr. Always Well Behaved himself. The rare Siberian Husky who not only knows what come here means – he actually does it. The others have threatened to revoke his Siberian Husky Union Card for such good behavior. And yet . . .

Just as Typhoon was trading a bird for a treat, Frankie made his own speedy entrance to the scene, swooped up the bird, and ate it while Hu-Dad was chasing after him. No liver treat was worth that exchange.

And so that is how Typhoon learned that a bird in his brother’s mouth is worth more than a bird at his paw. Or something like that.

Sneaky big brother.

Sneaky big brother.


  1. Dashi (and Anne) on April 27, 2016 at 2:29 pm

    Yep, nothing as tasty as fresh crunchy bird. Dashi has caught them on the pavement as we walk along, and the only evidence is him crunching it up! And maybe a little feather peeking out the side of his mouth, He says “well done, Frankie!”

  2. Melon on April 25, 2016 at 5:23 am

    Wow! What a story.

  3. Dennis the Vizsla on April 24, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay my sister saya lernd that this week she kawt wun skwirrel three times in a row owt in the yard!!! the third time it bit her and she dropd it and it eskaypd tho so better luk nekst time saya!!! ha ha ok bye

  4. Lori on April 23, 2016 at 8:59 am

    You made a fine catch Typhoon! Good move Frankie on swiping the spoils!

  5. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on April 23, 2016 at 4:18 am

    Mom sez: Sounds like Typhoon would’ve made a good hunting dog. The thrill is in the catching, not the eating. Our Ayla was like that, too. She could pick a bird out of mid-air with no problem at all, but had no interest in eating it. Frankie surprises me, seeminly being such a “gentle” guy.

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