Safety and Security

All of our readers know that Kiska is in charge of the safety and security of The Herd, but have you ever really studied her intense look?

safety and security - Who dares approach Sibe Quentin?

Who dares approach Sibe Quentin?

Kiska takes her job quite seriously. If any potential invader dares to approach the Sibe Quentin fence, she is quick to call the rest of The Herd into position via a security alert. If the threat is severe (in her mind), she also promptly warns the Hu-Dad. And yes, he does respond to those high level alerts. But no matter how fast the Hu-Dad responds, she is prepared to give the invader the “look.”

Back away from the fence.

Back away from the fence.

Not many foes are willing to risk approaching any closer once they have been a recipient of the look. In fact, quite a few friends might be slightly intimidated as well. Friends, such as certain other younger members of The Herd.

Don't let her look at me.

Don’t let her look at me.

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  1. Ann Plooster on April 21, 2016 at 8:18 pm

    I love reading your posts and love all the Siberians.

  2. jan on April 21, 2016 at 11:15 am

    The Poodle version of the look is pretty intimidating too.

  3. Lori on April 21, 2016 at 8:30 am

    Dad she’s LOOKING at me!!!!

  4. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on April 21, 2016 at 3:29 am

    Mom sez: That “LOOK” really must be pretty intimidating to cause even Ty to “back off” and think twice!

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