Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Everyone has heard the expression, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Today, we explain in pictures why that is such a truism.

He is so innocent while sleeping.

He is so innocent while sleeping.

Hu-Dad walked by the window and saw this peaceful, innocent image of Typhoon napping away. Ever the photographer, Hu-Dad grabbed the camera and, “Click.”

Are you taking my picture?

Are you taking my picture?

Hu-Dad has awakened the sleeping beast. All Typhoon wants to do is stretch and yawn, so no harm can come from that, right?

Really, Hu-Dad? Does this look like an innocent stretch?

Really, Hu-Dad? Does this look like an innocent stretch?

And thus the game of “He’s touching me” has begun. Did you expect any less?

Not quite the same innocent face.

Not quite the same innocent face.

Donations total $397 so far in this year’s Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd. Hurry and mail a Valentine to your favorite member of The Herd at Dog’s Name, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC 28751. And, if you wish, enclose a check made payable to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation and we will make sure they get 100% of the donations. Your donations help orphaned animals like Pinoy:



Pinoy is a handsome mixed breed boy about three years old. He is a luscious chocolate brown color with white accents. He is a great all-around dog, polite, sweet natured, friendly to everyone.


  1. All Things Collie on February 2, 2016 at 12:32 pm

    He is very sweet!

    And so is Pinoy, I hope he gets a home soon!

  2. Lori on February 2, 2016 at 9:01 am

    Typhoon just has that endlessly frisky face????

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