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Our final nominee for Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd is Ruby from The Herd Annex. She is sponsored by Isaac from the Youth of Sarge’s.
Ruby is a red husky. I chose her because she was one of the nicest dogs there. Right from the start she was right up against everyone wanting to be petted and have all the attention she could get.
She came to the Thundering Herd through Sarge’s Animal Rescue. She had been found running loose by animal control. They really aren’t sure exactly where though. They had named her Lil at Sarge’s.
Mr. Wall called the Hu-Grandmom to immediately come and get her. This was in 2008.
She got the name Ruby after her owner’s aunt. She had many of the same antics as her aunt. Like her aunt she is a talker. Ruby many times ‘talks back’ to her owner. She also feels that many times her words are not meant for the ears of kids.
All in all Ruby in my opinion is one of the best dogs they have. She is smart loving and at times she seems she could be a jokester.
Like all of the Youth of Sarge’s, Isaac did an awesome job of telling us about Ruby. With all of the nominations complete now, you, dear Reader, need only pick your favorite member of the Herd and mail a valentine to Dog’s name, c/o The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC 28751. If you wish, include a donation made out to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation and we will make sure they get the entire donation (though Ruby may snarf any cantaloupes).
And why support Sarge’s? How about helping homeless animals like Ophelia:
Ophelia is a purebred Persian kitty about five years old. She is a sweet girl, but not terribly social so needs a quiet home where she can live life comfortably on her own terms.
So let’s get mailing those Valentines!
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Oh man, I was hoping to send Sarge’s a cantaloupe too… haha! Ruby sounds like a diva – I love it!