Preparing for the Big Event

The turn of the calendar. The big holidays are behind us. Valentine’s Day is next. And we are preparing for the big event. Yes, it is almost time for the Third Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd Contest.

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

A few years ago, some readers started sending Valentines to their favorite member of The Herd. We decided to turn it into a little contest – as well as a fundraiser for one of our favorite dog organizations – Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation. Since both Qannik and Cheoah came to us through the good folks at Sarge’s, they hold a special place in our hearts.

Are you ready?

We are practicing our best cute faces.

We went over to Sarge’s yesterday to plan for this year’s big event. We are particularly excited because the Youth of Sarge’s are driving this year’s event – and we get to have our pictures taken with these special Youth Volunteers!

We are going to raise the roof! Or, at least, stand on it!

We are going to raise the roof! Or, at least, stand on it!

While we were at Sarge’s, Hu-Dad was able to capture some pictures of just a few of the dogs that you will be helping through this year’s Valentines Hearts for the Herd contest. And, if you are ready to give some lucky canine (or feline) a home, check out our good friends at Sarge’s.

I am so excited for a home that I dropped my favorite bone in my dinner!

I am so excited for a home that I dropped my favorite bone in my dinner!

So start gathering your special Valentine’s cards. Specific rules will be announced in just a couple of weeks right here on this blog (and by the Youth of Sarge’s through their various social media outlets).

I am ready to bust out of here to help with the contest.

I am ready to bust out of here to help with the contest.

Announcements will appear on our blog in about two weeks. And we are hoping for a really big contest and fundraiser!

Hoping for a really, really big fundraiser!

Hoping for a really, really big fundraiser!

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  1. Melon on January 4, 2016 at 8:50 pm

    Eee! I’m excited because I never got to be a part of this, but I will this year! I already know who I’ll send a Valentine to… of course, the Herd has time to convince me otherwise, I know!

    And those are wonderful photos of the gang at Sarge’s right now. You have a gift for the photos AND the captions. Do you let them use those photos you have taken for adoptions?

  2. Laura on January 3, 2016 at 10:10 am

    Love this!! Thank you so much from Sarge’s!

  3. Carolyn on January 3, 2016 at 9:13 am

    Awww, those faces! Well you remind us who was first and last in 2015?

    • The Thundering Herd on January 3, 2016 at 10:35 am

      Absolutely! We will do that as a part of our opening of the contest.

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