Resting and Recharging

While we may not have snow, we have to admit that the weather is pretty nice for lots of “tackle- wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it” games. For some odd reason, Hu-Dad likes to see all of those games. Well, at least he likes the resting and recharging that occurs after the games.

Another rousing game of “tackle- wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you're it”

Another rousing game of “tackle- wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it”

We try to stay awake and entertain Hu-Dad, but after a good meal and darkness falls, some of us can get quite comfortable. Maybe just a little too comfortable.

Are you saying this is not lady like? - resting

Are you saying this is not lady like?

Cheesewhiz says she was comfortably snoring away before the Hu-Dad started taking pictures. She did her best to give him an aggravated look for disturbing nap, but, somehow, that lost some of its effectiveness upside down.

Cheoah's best upside down disgusted face.

Cheoah’s best upside down disgusted face.




  1. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on December 10, 2015 at 2:00 am

    Mom sez: Love Cheoah’s expression from upside down! That used to be our Ayla’s favourite position, too. Ice is too old to try and lie like that anymore, and Ebby hasn’t tried, except for a quick “getting the kinks out of her back”!

  2. Melon on December 9, 2015 at 10:31 pm

    Cheoah makes the best faces!

  3. Lori on December 9, 2015 at 8:24 am

    Awww Cheoah I just want to rub that bare belly!!!!!!!!

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July 12, 2024

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