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Hu-Dad had a simple plan. Go outside, get a few photographs of Queen Natasha the Evil, and build a blog post around her. Little did he realize that someone else would be battling for the spotlight.
Who could possibly object to the Queen being the center of a blog post? Who would even dare to do so? It must be someone who has not thought through the consequences.
Qannik? Come on, buddy, we dedicate a lot of blog posts to you. Besides, have you thought about how upset Queen Natasha might be if you steal her attention?
Q-Tip. But now the Queen is sulking that her camera time was taken. You have to be willing to be the model. Can’t you help the Hu-Dad?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Oh, Quannik, what a remarkable nose you have!
It was a good effort Qannik! You did a good job looking cute and stealing thunder❤️
LOL. My feline sister sometimes tries to steal the show as well.