Meaningless Guilty Looks

Any dog owner is familiar with the guilty looks canine companions give, even though they actually do not mean guilt or innocence.

Really, I didn't do anything. Or, I did and don't care.

Really, I didn’t do anything. Or, I did and don’t care.

Numerous studies have been conducted to see if canines really feel guilt. In a recent Cambridge University study, owners left their dogs in a room with a treat on a table. Some of the time the researcher removed the treat and other times the dog was allowed to eat the tree. The human returned to the room and was asked to guess if their dog had eaten the treat.

No, really, I have not done a thing.

No, really, I have not done a thing.

The results were that the humans were not able to accurately tell if the treat had been consumed by the dog nor did the dog’s behavior change based on whether not he had eaten the treat. The guilty look was routinely used either way because of its effect on the human.

And you humans think you are so smart.

And you humans think you are so smart.

The moral of the story – always ask for your attorney at claw and never plead guilty.


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  1. Susan McManus on December 6, 2015 at 10:04 am

    There are times when I know which dog will be featured…just by the title.

  2. Lori on December 6, 2015 at 8:15 am

    Oh you crazy puppies! You know just how to get us with those irresistible eyes❤️

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