Edicts, Decrees and Commands

Siberian Huskies are well known for their stubbornness. As a breed, we like to understand why we need to do something before just complying with human edicts.

Yes, we are perfectly spaced to prevent the Hu-Dad from sitting on the couch.

Yes, we are perfectly spaced to prevent the Hu-Dad from sitting on the couch.

Legend has it that our approach to commands is based on our winter survival as sled pullers for humans. If a human was issuing an order that would lead us over thin ice, we were to rationalize and choose a safer route. The end result is that we think about the directions given to us by humans, decide whether or not there is benefit, and then execute the wish only if it makes sense.

Move over? What is in it for me?

Move over? What is in it for me?

And when the human make us execute his decree over our objections, we can pout like no one out there. No great survival reason to explain that, but it sure is true.

I can't believe he made us move. . . I am not talking to him any more.

I can’t believe he made us move. . . I am not talking to him any more.

We are thinking Hu-Dad had better not go to sleep tonight.



  1. Donna Wolfe on November 11, 2015 at 3:02 am

    Ty is not pouting, he is scheming!!

  2. Rebekah on November 10, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    This is hilarious! I know my dogs weigh options before choosing to do anything. Unless hot dogs are involved…

  3. KJ Pierson on November 10, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    Monsters, how dare you make it move. There was plenty of room for you and your kind in the floor!

  4. Zoe on November 10, 2015 at 8:03 am

    I see a rebellion coming
    Perhaps snoring in hu dad’s ear is in order

  5. Koda and his mom Sue on November 10, 2015 at 7:50 am

    Oh yes the famous Sibey pout. Ughh.
    Hey Guys and Gals Koda here. I executed the pout this morning when Mom got ready for work. She had the nerve to say “no more outside trips I have to go to work “.
    Face instant pout mode.

    And then she said ” ok out front but on you’re coat (my leash) not outback”. Funny thing is is that she serious thinks I’ll be faster out front. Silly mom.
    Have a good day. Oh by the way I’m 6 now. I had my birthday party yesterday.
    Love Koda.

  6. Kara on November 10, 2015 at 7:38 am

    Loved this post!

  7. Lori on November 10, 2015 at 7:37 am

    Oh my. That is one unhappy Sibe☹️???

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