News / Blog Posts

The Warning Look

July 4, 2023 |

Roscoe had the perfect plan. Sneak in from the side when Typhoon wasn’t paying attention. Race as fast as the paws allowed. And tackle the bestest brother ever. Typhoon’s warning look suggests he might want to rethink things. Roscoe’s smile says not a chance.

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Too Hot For Us

July 2, 2023 |

We walk twice a day, come rain or shine, for a total of six miles. Yesterday, though, we only did our morning walk. After a quite cool June, yesterday’s high of 89ºF at the house was just too much, so we skipped our afternoon walk. We did make up for it with some evening yard time, but Frankie says even that was a bit much.

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Back Away From The Brush

July 1, 2023 |

Despite his scruffy looks, the Little Prince emphasizes one of his most important rules—do not dare touch him with a brush. Violations will be met with an ear-piercing shriek—aka, the Siberian Death Scream. Here, Hu-Dad didn’t even have a brush with him—he just thought about it—and earned the Royal Glare as a reward.

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Break Between Zoomies

June 30, 2023 |

Summer has finally caught up with us, so our outside time is mostly in the mornings and evenings. All that Siberian energy has to be burned up, though, so our outdoor times is spent racing about the yard. Roscoe is taking a break between zoomies, but it won’t last long before the chase is on again.

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One Second Before

June 29, 2023 |

How do the games start? Typhoon minds his own business. Roscoe steps up. Their eyes meet. And then fun breaks out. Don’t worry. Next time, Roscoe minds his own business, Typhoon steps up, and we rinse and repeat.

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Serious Siberian Sentry

June 27, 2023 |

With his bouncy ways and need for speed, Landon isn’t generally known as a serious canine. He prefers having fun way too much. Monitoring the front of the house, though, requires a great deal of focus. When Hu-Dad looks up from his desk, this is often the sight he sees—Boom Boom not bouncing, but focusing on intruder prevention.

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Picture of Innocence

June 25, 2023 |

Hu-Dad sat outside yesterday enjoying a perfect summer evening when Typhoon appeared around the corner. Both seemed slightly surprised to see the other. The Little Prince has never been a master of avoiding that guilty look, but Hu-Dad hasn’t uncovered whatever crime was being committed.

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Disapproving Frankie Suave

June 24, 2023 |

The youngsters race about the yard, wrestling and tackling each other. Inside awaits dinner and air-conditioning. Frankie Suave gives that exasperated look familiar to parents everywhere. Don’t worry, the boys fell in line.

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Boom Boom Launch

June 23, 2023 |

With all the rain we’ve had this week, we haven’t been able to get outside nearly as much as we would like. Or as much as we need, according to Hu-Dad. In a break between showers yesterday, though, we had a few minutes of racing about the yard, so Boom Boom got to Boom Boom.

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Weather Sibe Predictions

June 22, 2023 |

We know many of you are dealing with extremely hot weather, but we’re in the midst of a cool, rainy week. Every walk has ensured Hu-Dad gets to enjoy the aroma of wet Sibe when we get back to his study. When we were getting ready to go out for the afternoon stroll, Landon took one sniff and assured us more rain was coming. He was right.

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When You’re This Suave…

June 20, 2023 |

Nothing much flusters our Mr. Frankie. His little brothers were tearing about the yard wreaking havoc. A series of thunderstorms threatened to drop rain on us. A comfy bed and air conditioning were just beyond that closed door. And the human wanted a photograph. Frankie Suave for the pose.

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Close Kitchen Supervision

June 18, 2023 |

We have a long-standing decree here at Chez Herd that no dogs shall be in the kitchen during meal preparations. We are, of course, Siberian Huskies, so we have a long-standing policy to ignore silly human edicts, so we give you a photograph of Roscoe listening to Hu-Dad explain the rule… again.

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