Not Quite Right and Book of the Week

Are you one that has very high standards? And sometimes things are just not quite right? Queen Natasha the Evil is certainly one of those.

Why am I not in my bed?

Why am refusing to lay in my bed?

After her surgery a few weeks ago, Natasha spent quite a bit of recuperating time in Hu-Dad’s study. She also spent a lot of time there last fall recovering from her TPLO surgery. As a result, she now has a personal bed under Hu-Dad’s desk just so she can hang out in comfort while Hu-Dad works at his busy-ness.

Can't you see it is all wrong?

Can’t you see it is all wrong?

Since the bed alone is not up to Her Fluffiness’ quality standards, Hu-Dad added a folded blanket for added comfort. Yesterday, the blanket was not smooth and even, so the Queen would not nestle into her bed until it was fixed.

not quite right

It is so hard to get good help.


Book of the Week

Time once again for our book of the week and we are returning to the combination of our love for photography and canines. The Life and Love of Dogs is a coffee table sized hardback containing hundreds of images of dogs by acclaimed photographers around the globe. This book would make a terrific gift (not that we would mention a certain large gift-giving holiday just a few months away) for a dog lover – or as a centerpiece in your own canine household. Readers agree, as Amazon carries a perfect 5.0 review score.


  1. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on August 26, 2015 at 4:48 pm

    Mom sez: Ebby would be quite content with ‘Tasha’s bed the way it is, but it’s ‘WAY too smooth for Ice. He’d have that blanket scrabbled into a huge pile, then lie down on it that way.

  2. jan on August 25, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    You seriously should consider hiring a dedicated maid for the queen.

  3. All Things Collie on August 25, 2015 at 11:23 am

    Love your girl!
    And that look book looks fun. It might make a great grab bag gift at our collie club Christmas party in December….

    Stop by and say hello! We miss you guys!
    Woofs and Wags!

  4. Chris on August 25, 2015 at 10:38 am

    Oh my, I had one of those princesses. The older she got, the more particular she became. First it was an additional blanket on her dog bed, then the blanket had to be smooth (I called it the Princess and the Pea syndrome), then she wanted a pillow to rest her regal head on.
    Our well-loved furry family members certainly develop character, don’t they?

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