Action Hero

Hollywood has been on a kick for the last several years making movies starring some action hero. Being a working breed that is always full of action, we think Super Siberian should be the next major movie.

Great idea - a new action hero movie to watch

Great idea. A new movie to watch.

Uh, no, Cheesewhiz, we meant the movie should star one of the Herd as Super Siberian. You know, faster than a speeding rabbit and able to leap tall couches at a single bound. Spiderman may be able to spin webs, but we can bury the bad guys in a flurry of shedding fur.

Great movie idea

Yes, great idea. Will get right on that.

Ok, maybe our super power is the ability to select sleeping spots to trip humans at night. Or the ability to turn into an immovable object when a human wants the couch.

disturbing my nap

Your mumbling is disturbing my nap.


  1. Furball Mika on August 16, 2015 at 4:48 pm

    We do our brain storming best with our eyes closed. Less distractions that way.

    How else do you think I figured out how to open a wire kennel and taught my sisfur how to do it too!

    -Sir Sheds A Lot Mika (The Yosemite Fox aka Shiba inu) and Miss B (Maligator aka Belgian Malinois)

    P.S. Miss Queen Natasha, should you ever need my services, I’m a wooo away.

  2. Charlotte Anderson on August 14, 2015 at 4:30 pm

    I think a standard poodle would be great as a super hero!

  3. jan on August 14, 2015 at 12:37 pm

    They probably wouldn’t want to cast a Poodle as a super hero, ya think?

  4. Lori on August 14, 2015 at 7:49 am

    Yep. You’re definitely my superhero CheeseWhiz!❤️??

  5. The Painter Pack on August 14, 2015 at 6:41 am

    A true Super Hero! My Super Hero girl Mya looks just as “Super”!!!

    The Painter Pack

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