Loud Birds in the Sky

Living on the boundary of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, we are very accustomed to all sorts of wildlife, including birds. But sometimes, we get some really loud birds in the sky.


Wow, that’s loud!

The ranges of the Appalachian Mountains make for terrific training grounds for our fighter pilots, so we do get buzzed by them every now and then. We don’t really mind since they are so fantastic to watch.

coming out of the park

Coming out of the park.

banking turn

A banking turn.


The afterburners are visible.

As always, our thanks to the men and women who keep us safe.



  1. Zoe on April 4, 2015 at 10:35 am

    Hi I am a subscriber
    Starting on Thursday I stopped getting emails
    I tried hitting redo subscription and got a message URL not available
    So I just re subscribed
    Thought you should know because I’m seeing the facebook posts so I know you are posting

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