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Counter surfing is a most important skill to develop as a canine. It doesn’t matter whether the target is meat, vegetables or even fruit. Yes, fruit.
What? You think strawberries are a strange target?
And if you can’t reach strawberries, there are always other fruit offerings in the kitchen.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
People laugh because my Leena loves to eat bananas, turnips (whole), and other assorted off fruits and veggies. She eats some that I don’t even eat. Crazy 4 legged hu-mon!
Yep! My counter surfer snatched a brownie from a plate I was taking to a church dinner. I rearranged the brownies and took them anyway. No harm to the snatcher who looked very pleased with herself!
Awwwoooo, but Dad, it smells sooooo good, and after all, it IS Easter!